Monday, December 7, 2009

In the beginning...there was Smashbox Masterclass

I have so many recent photo shoot picture I would love to post, but I think it would be fun to pay homage to the reason I became so passionate about working behind the scenes.

In 2006, I had a great opportunity with my company to fly down to Smashbox Studios to participate in a photoshoot and learn the ins and outs of what happens behind the scene. If you are not familiar with Smashbox cosmetics, or smashbox studios; Smashbox studios is a wherehouse if you will of studio space that Dean and Davis factor began (the grandsons of Max Factor…not the creeper grandson). Almost any major fashion magazine cover you pick up or music video you see was filmed at Smashbox Studios, as well as major runway events including LA fashion week. So as you can imagine, this was a great oppiortunity to learn from the best.

We were all introduced to the designer, Jennifer Grossman, and what her line was all about. We then were taken through a lesson on what goes on back stage, expectations at shoots, as well as best practices for hauling our vastly huge makeup kit around with us the most effectively. We (I think there were about 8-10 of us) were then paired up with a model and sent away to start makeup. When our model was up, we got to be behind the scenes as they shot. Looking at the monitor the camera was tethered to, we could see how our work was transposing onto film and given the opportunity to make adjustments. It was an absolute blast! (and I even met one of my dearest friends that day)

Sadly after three and ½ years, I don’t remember my models name, (or have many pics left) but she was an absolute doll! We discovered she was attending FIDM, my alma matter, and we dished about it the whole day.

Here is a few of the pics I managed to salvage from the shoot that I have left!

The designer is Jennifer Grossman with Ankh apparel and you can find her clothing at

And if you have never looked at smashbox cosmetics, you have to check them out!

Come into Sephora and play or visit either or

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What makes me blush!

Did you know that the first powder blush was created by Alexandre Napoleon Bourjois, a theatrical makeup artist at the Moulin Rouge in 1863? He noticed that the greasecake blushers that were used in stage were thick and messy, so he created ‘Pastel Joues’, the first dry powder blush. Baked into a little leather compact, and fragranced with a hint of rose; the color is actually still in circulation today!
We have come along way from the days of pinching our cheeks and rubbing berries on our apples; blush, blusher, rouge; whatever you prefer to call it…blush breathes life into a dull, lackluster complexion and I have narrowed down some of my favorite blushes. Eye shadow colors and lip-gloss preferences are fickle, but I never stray from my tried and true flushed favorites.

Ahhh…Monsieur Cherie, Francois Nars, no man can make a woman blush as beautifully and fashionably as he can! I swear to you Orgasm blush is the number one selling blush in the world. That must explain why three of his blushes have made it onto my list! The one blush magazines instruct everyone should own as well as the little gem consumers prophesy it will change your life, this cult classic color is the perfect combination of a peachy gold color against a soft warm pink that is flattering for all colors. Everyone has to try it once. ;)

And it doesn’t end there. When I am asked for recommendations for blushes, Nars is the first place I turn. Here are my other FAVS:

Gina: For fair skin (like my Casper complexion) this tangerine/coral matte color is dreamy on milky skin. It brings out a beautiful natural warm glow. I love to wear Gina when I am wearing cool colors on my eyes; purples, pinks, teals, and greens.

From the fairest of the fair to the most chocolate complexion, Exhibit A offers a beautiful brilliant flush that looks FIERCE on everyone! Be forewarned…It will startle you at first glance, but you have to trust me and countless others that, when applied with a light touch, will look radiant!

Okay I will move on past Nars and into another Blushing Beauty I can’t live without is Tarte’s cheek stain in Blushing Bride. The product itself is formulated beautifully. containing 5 natural occurring superfruits that make this product very high in antioxidant-rich nutrients and vitamins, it’s antiaging, reefing, and restorative for the skin. Okay so we know why its good for us, but why does it look so fabulous ON us? Its all about the glow! Your skin looks absolutely radiant and dewy when sporting this sheer deep plum (smells like plums too!) kiss of color. One thing I know for sure is how beautiful my dear friend, Suzanne, looked on her wedding day after she fell in love with this color! Blushing Bride? in point.

I actually had a list of 10 blushes I came up with that I couldn’t afford to have vacant from my makeup case, so keeping this brief is near-impossible, but I will conclude with one final product; Stila illuminating finishing powder in bronze. No, it’s not technically considered a blush, but I consider it GLORIOUS! It is a highly reflective bronze shimmer that is baked onto a clay pan. It gives a beautiful warm glow that makes the skin shine! The beautiful Lola is wearing this very color on her glowing gorgeous cheeks!